Richard Price
Richard Woodruff Price is an Accredited Genealogist in English research and specializes in the research problems of English-descended families, taking over a dozen research trips to Europe. He received a Master of Arts degree in Family and Local History from Brigham Young University and was a founder and past president of the Association of Professional Genealogists. In addition, he was a contributing author to The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy and has presented papers for the National Genealogical Society and Utah Genealogical Association conferences.Rick has a team of researchers, many of whom are accredited genealogists and have B.A. and M.A. degrees in Family History. Their expertise is broad, compiling families in all of North America, including African-American, Native American, and Jewish research. Focus has been made in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, all European and Eastern European countries, Scandinavia, Russia, and Central and South America.